Zoning Services

PDS is dedicated to providing zoning-related services on behalf of jurisdictions in Kenton County. Please review the content on this page for more detailed information.

Local Zoning Regulations

All zoning regulations for local jurisdictions have been relocated to an enCode website.
Exceptions: City of Highland Heights, City of Walton, City of Wilder

Applications and Forms

All applications and forms for zoning permits can be completed on the online portal.

Contact Staff

The zoning information for a specific property can be accessed on the LINK-GIS website. For assistance or further information, please contact the zoning official for the relevant jurisdiction.

For assistance changing the zoning classification for a specific property, please contact Andy Videkovich.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Zoning involves dividing land into different districts to regulate land use, including building placement, size, yard requirements, and parking. A zoning law includes a zoning map showing district boundaries and a written text outlining regulations for each district. The primary purpose of zoning is to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of citizens, as well as to promote orderly development and preserve the visual and historical character of the community. Zoning also regulates population density and land use intensity.


The zoning ordinances for each jurisdiction are maintained by the staff of the Planning and Development Services of Kenton County. You can access them at zoning ordinances


Each city’s/county’s legislative body makes all decisions on zoning regulations. While the Kenton County Planning Commission gives a recommendation on proposed zoning text amendments, it is ultimately up to the city/county to decide whether or not to adopt that change. If you believe it would be in the city's or county’s best interest to consider a zoning regulation change, that conversation must start with the city council/commission or the Kenton County Fiscal Court, depending on your location.


When a citation is issued, you must respond to PDS within seven (7) days of receiving the citation. You may either pay the fine set forth in the citation or request, in writing, a hearing before the code enforcement board to contest the citation. Whether the citation is contested or not, please contact the Code Enforcement Department to request a re-inspection when the issues have been corrected to stop the accrual of fines; fines continue until the violation(s) is or are completely corrected and the corrections are verified by the Code Enforcement Department. Failure to pay fine or request a hearing from the Code Enforcement Board within seven (7) days of receipt of a citation will mean that you are no longer able to contest the citation and the determination that an offense was committed shall be final.


A comprehensive plan is a long-term vision and guide for development required by state law for any jurisdiction adopting zoning regulations. The plan covers land use, community facilities, mobility, economy, housing, and other essential aspects. Together, these elements create a roadmap outlining current and potential future development. PDS provides professional assistance in developing the Kenton County Comprehensive Plan, and the Kenton County Planning Commission is ultimately responsible for its adoption. Direction 2030 was adopted as the comprehensive plan for Kenton County in September 2014, marking the first all-new plan since the early 1970s, with subsequent updates. Direction 2030 is entirely web-based.